Think Design Limited

Andy Bennett, Flat 8, 49 Collingwood Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, 1011 , New Zealand

REGISTERED Category: Graphic design service - for advertising Company Number: 5969912 Age: 8 years

Think Design Limited Overview

Think Design Limited was registered in Auckland as a NZ Limited Company. This business address Registered Office is Andy Bennett, Flat 8, 49 Collingwood Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, 1011 , New Zealand. This company main business activity is Graphic design service - for advertising. It has been in business for 8 years and its current status isRegistered.

Register Information of Think Design Limited

Entity TitleThink Design Limited
Company TypeNZ Limited Company
Company ID5969912
NZ Business ID9429042312239
Constitution FieldNo
Incorporation date2016-04-21
Company ageeight years, one month and two days
Business Classification NumberM692450
Business ClassificationGraphic design service - for advertising

Directors of Think Design Limited

NameAppointment DateAddress
Andrew John BENNETT2016-04-21Flat 8, 49 Collingwood Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, 1011 , New Zealand

Name history of Think Design Limited

Old NameEffective FromEffective To
No previous names found in our database.

Addresses of Think Design Limited

Registered Office:

Andy Bennett
Flat 8
49 Collingwood Street
Freemans Bay
New Zealand

GPS Coordinates:

36° 51' 9.6" S, 174° 44' 57.4" E

Map of Think Design Limited


Number of shares1
OwnerNumber of SharesPercent of Shares
Andrew John BENNETT